“I didn’t see it coming—again. There always seems to be a “reason,” but the bottom line is, I’m looking for a job—again. Story of my life… but that story is getting really boring. I sure would love to rewrite the next chapter.”
“I’m ready to take that leap into real leadership, but every time I jump, I keep hitting a ceiling…”
“I’m a great manager, and I believe I’ll be a great leader. It’s just… I need to think through how being a great leader differs from being a great manager.”
“At this point in my career – in my LIFE – I can’t help but think there’s something more important out there for me.”
You’ve heard all the clichés about today’s world—constant change, uncertainty, complexity, the need to adapt. Maybe you’ve been dealt a professional body blow by being terminated, laid off, “downsized,” or “outplaced.” Perhaps you are a rising star being groomed for ever-greater responsibilities. Possibly, you are seeking that elusive “something more” out of your professional life. Or, it could be that you’re simply bored, disengaged, or even actively disengaged with your job—your body goes in, but your brain checks out.
I can help.
As a Transition and Transformation Coach, I help you develop the mindset and skills to successfully address the challenges you face. Whether you’re getting back in the game, finding your next play, or rewriting the rules to make it your game, I help you Reengage the Power of Your Best Self. With that “reengagement realized,” you will attain clarity in complex situations. Clarity brings you confidence about your decisions and actions. Clarity and confidence enable you to maintain constant connection to your best self—a powerful connection that you can invoke at will, in any circumstance.
How does it work?
Together, we’ll use especially adapted techniques similar to those employed among some of the best-run organizations, large and small, around the world. We start with Discovering your signature strengths and core values. These resources are unique to you. They are what you call upon when you are at your best.
The next step is to Dream your future, imagine what possibilities could come true for you: It is your future self, your aspirational self, the fulfilled purpose in your life. We take that dream and Design the path that leads you to what should be. What commitments are you willing to make? What resources and supports can you seek to support you along the way? How do you start?
All of this leads to your Destiny, a destiny that you choose and create. We anticipate and plan for the resources you will need, and who you can call upon. You activate your signature strengths to overcome inevitable challenges, and rely on your core values for guidance.
Wouldn’t you want to make your career and your life exactly how you want it to be?
You already have it in you.
Reengage your personal power.
I am a Member Coach in The Coach Connection.
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