
25 October 2016 in Toronto: Webinar – Coaching for all Occasions

“You get more of what you focus on,” is an often-repeated truth. Why, then, do managers tend to focus on weaknesses, deficiencies, and “what went wrong” when providing feedback, project post-mortems, and personal development conversations?

The “Coaching for All Occasions” webinar turns these so-called difficult conversations into strengths-based opportunities for learning and firing up motivation.

This one-hour webinar will teach you how to apply the Appreciative Management principle when providing feedback, managing team dynamics, and having challenging conversations, which in turns enhances the effectiveness of all employees, at any level of performance.


By the end of the webinar, you will be able to…

  • Understand the need for flipping a SWOT mentality into a SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) mind-frame;
  • Learn to provide authentic acknowledgement that replaces feedback, thereby encouraging positive development and intrinsic motivation;
  • Appreciate how the three “Turnaround Questions” can be applied when there is a need for correction, discipline, or re-aligning a project or assignment schedule;
  • Apply the “Coaching for All Occasions” script for both remediation and providing additional impetus for top performers.


Who should attend?

HR professionals at all levels, those responsible for management and leadership development programs, and any executive, manager, or supervisor who deals with people, teams, or projects.


For more details and to register, click here.